Friday, September 09, 2005

Times to remember ....

After reading and leaving a comment on Buddess' latest post it reminds me of some of the really bizzare things we have done over the years...... And then kind of find it hard to think about future dicipline for my kids when they eventually get out of hand....
Apart from the Biking stories (and there are enough to fill a medium sized book...)I was once part of a very pleasure orientated crowd of people who got up to some really off the wall incidents.....
We were young and fresh out of college/Army ..... beer was cheap and wine even cheaper....
everyone who was anyone had a VW campervan or "Fucktruck" and we all were into surfing , paddle skiing or submarines...
Now, I hear you all saying SUBMARINES ?? What the ..??
OK, some of our mates joined the Sub Corps when we all went off to do our military stints. These guys were the heart of our crowd cos they were a bit (read a LOT here!)
nuts/crazy/looney/from other planets.....
Meester Firr (Mr Firr - short for Kaffir)was the worst. He invited us all around to his spot to watch the RUGBY one Saturday afternoon... Meesis Firr (his other half) was sent out to buy more beer and a case of "Captain" (Morgan Rum) at half time cos she was the only one not absolutely paralytic at the time...
Meester Firr (who is only scared of one thing in the world...-you guessed it ....Mrs Firr), decides to show us a " trick ". He digs around in the back of the couch and comes up with a 1000 foot Flare ..... the kind you shoot into the sky to attract ships when youre stranded or in trouble.....
Immediately I realize we are heading for the afore - mentioned "Trouble"....
In a room that is about 4 meters by 5 meters and covered with a deep pile "shaggy type " Carpet , Mr Firr sets off the flare...
So, ..You have 6 or 7 really pissed men , a roof that is only about 8 foot above the ground , and a flare designed to go up 1000 foot and then explode into a brilliant white light dangling from a small parachute.....
Even using your wildest imagination , I still doubt you could come up with the scene that ensued ....
Outside on the lawn after diving through a broken window about 3/4's of a nano second after the 1000 foot explosion - and puking (mostly though our noses) from the smoke/fumes and excess alcohol, eyes watering and absolutely Screeching with Laughter ....we all collapsed. When the worst was over and Mr Firr finally lurched out still carrying the Fire extinguisher dribbling foam.....we started to worry about the imminent return of Mrs Firr....
It wasnt long after Mr firr decided to fire up the lawnmower (to "trim the carpet a bit")
that I remembered I had to be somewhere .... and lit outta there...
The rest of the story was the stuff of legends.... and I will save it for another day.
If I remember I will also retell the story of the ships anchor being dragged through Cape townbehind a large 4X4 by a clueless Mrs Firr....


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Terri said...

Eish! Makes my past seem completely tame!!
Remind me not to have The Firr's over to dinner anytime soon..!

At 12:18 PM, Blogger DelBoy said...

How can I even comment on that! You're nuts!! And I thought Ripnuts was bad!

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said...

I almost fell out of my chair. hahahaha. Would love to meet the Firr's. Don't stop now. You have to finish the story.


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